Bank Employee 89 Years Old - 1931

Chester Times - March 10, 1931 

Bank Employee 89 Years Old 

"Uncle Charlie" Sweeny is Receiving Felicitations of Legions of Friends

Hale and hardy, sound both in mind and body, Charles R. Sweeny today celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday by attending to his duties at the Delaware County Trust Company where he has bee employed for the past forty-four years. 

Numerous floral tributes and cards of congratulations were in evidence at Mr. Sweeny's desk, and he was kept busy throughout the morning receiving the felicitations of many well-wishers, including many of the leading citizens of Chester. 

Charles Sweeny, Sr.
Delaware County Trust Co.
At 1 o'clock he left his office to join his wife in their home at 217 West Fifth street, where they will pass the remainder of the day in quiet celebration of the event. The couple have been wedded sixty-six years and Mrs. Sweeny will celebrate her eighty-fifth birthday on April 9. 

His appearance belying his age , "Uncle Charlie," as he is known at the bank, was exceedingly happy this morning as he was greeted by hundreds of persons who wished him well-being and happiness. 

"Do you know," he told a times reporter, "I believe the secret of my long life has been happiness. From my youth I've always made it a point not to worry about anything. 

"Of course," he continued, "I lead a simple life. I don't drink or swear. Although I smoke occasionally." He admitted this last pleasure almost sheepishly. 

Mr. Sweeny was born in Darby in 1842, and moved, with his family, to Chester at the age of five. He has resided here ever since. In 1865 he married and three children, Charles, Now 65, William, 63, and John, 60, were born to the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeny are now great-great grandparents. 

Reminiscences of the Civil War, in which he actively campaigned, were recalled vividly by Mr. Sweeny this morning. He was in the service in time to see the first shot fired at Fort Sumter, and he witnessed the evacuation of Charleston, S. C., among many other incidents. 

Following his service as a Private with the Thirty-seventh Pennsylvania Division, he entered the Navy and served until several years after the Civil War. Today, Mr. Sweeny is the dean of the five surviving members of the Wilde Post, No. 25, G. A. R.

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